Benefits & Disadvantages of Interdisciplinary PhD Psychology Program in American Academia

As a doctoral student who chose East-West Psychology as an interdisciplinary PhD research program at the California Institute of Integral Studies, I noticed some benefits and challenges in American Academia towards this choice.
- Diverse Knowledge Base:
I can apply various methodologies and theoretical frameworks. For instance, I am working on creating a conceptual framework to explore intersex and queer migrants’ embodied psyche through consciousness studies, neuroscience, somatic, and depth psychology.
- Networking:
Opportunities to collaborate with experts from various fields to work on projects that require a blend of expertise.
- Varied Career Paths: Skills applicable in academia, industry, and non-profits beyond traditional psychology roles.
- American Academia is characterized by different niches specializing in narrow institutionalized areas of knowledge. On the one hand, it provides deep expertise. On the other hand, if you choose an interdisciplinary program, you won’t belong to any particular area and have limitations in academic funding and career paths due to institutional barriers.
- Academic Challenges: Balancing and integrating different disciplinary approaches can be complex and time-consuming. Also, finding competent advisors in certain areas of focus can be challenging.
- Labor Perception: Employers may not fully understand or appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of the degree.
- Program Support: Interdisciplinary programs might lack established support systems compared to traditional departments.

Overall, an interdisciplinary psychology PhD program can give versatile education and requires careful navigation of academic and professional development.

Despite all these limitations, I am excited about my research project and its potential outcomes. Even though I sometimes feel lonely in my academic journey, I hope to find people and an audience who can value and support my research interests.

Ps. Imagine is generated by DALL-E AI 🤖 based on a description of my research interests:)


Intersex Refugees & Asylum Seekers Toolkit