What people are saying.

  • "I went through the dreamwork with Aleksander. He acted as a very sensitive and attentive "guide" into my deep through questions and clarifications. During the session, I was amazed at how details surfaced that I had long forgotten. Aleksander did not interpret the dream, but his leading questions made me think in a new way about the meaning of this dream for me and the "weight" of this baggage of the unconscious in my everyday life. As a result, the session make me recondiser many attitudes, more consciously approach my fears and anxieties, and feel more confident.

    — Tatiana T, England.

  • "Thank you so much. I didn't expect that the session with Aleksander could bring me such energy and enthusiasm.'

    — Olga K, USA.

  • "The session with Aleksander was inspiring. He combines Jungian approaches, Fairy Tale Therapy, Tarot Cards, and Metaphorical Cards with LGBTQI solidarity and intersectionality, and I think he does something unique. I admire people who can bring a queer perspective to the traditional branches of psychology and create something completely their own based on profoundly personal experience. Thanks for the wings, Aleksander."

    — Maria B, Germany.